Life is not random.

Life is made up of untold numbers of random events that all connect to form the web of life. We have become so overwhelmed with all that is available for us to do, use etc that for many, getting back to basics is a massive task.

It needn’t be. Don’t try to do everything. Just try to do one thing. If that works out. Try a new thing.

On this site you will find things that I do regularly in my everyday life to create a more sustainable lifestyle and to improve my health while staying as far away from allopathic medicine as I can get.

Hard times are rapidly approaching. Most Westerner’s alive today have no idea what it is like to struggle. Boy are we in for a shock!

I hope you are preparing…

The latest from the blog

I’ve come to the conclusion I’m cyclic. I started this site in Feb 2020. Wrote a few posts and then CV happened…


We grew up in suburbia. 600-700m2 blocks, standard brick/weatherboard homes, single bathroom with a small backyard and a hillshoist…

I recently bought some dandelions from and they asked me to do a review. Here it is…