Have you ever heard of Moringa?

I have 5 Moringa trees growing in my backyard. The leaves have become a staple ingredient in my juice.

Moringa is a super-food that grows well in my neck of the woods.  In Qld we’re hot and steamy during the summer months and our winters are fairly mild too.  We get some frosts but nothing to write home about.

This is my first year growing Moringa so I am no expert but I stuck a few seeds in pots of soil and now I have young trees. Pretty simple really.

I’ve planted my trees in large pots so they wont get really big. It enables me to move them around until I find the best spot for them and it allows me to bring them under shelter if it gets inclement.  Moringa don’t like cold. But it wont kill them. They just go dormant until it heats up and then off they go again. If you prune them regularly they will bush out and you’ll get even more yield from your tree.

They reckon you can live on Moringa alone for quite a long time. I do hope I never have to put them to the test cos it doesn’t taste all that great. It’s not yucky but, you know, it’s not right up there in flavour sensation. I suppose if your hungry enough, neat moringa would taste awesome 🙂

I did quite a lot of research on the web and eventually decided to give it a go. Nothing to loose and everything to gain if Moringa is as great as it’s fan-base state it is.

I bought my seeds from The Moringa Shop, an Australian company.

I was recently impressed by The Moringa Shop. I bought my seeds back in September – one pack of STD seeds and one pack of PKM1 super seeds. The PKM1’s I planted all grew while the STD’s didn’t. I didn’t think too much about it at the time BUT THEN, the other week I received an email from the seller telling me that the STD’s were defective and offering to replace them.

They did!

I’m a happy camper!