Smoothie Muse

My morning smoothie is my most important meal of the day. It contains a host of supplements that I believe are good for me and keep me functioning at my best.

Into my blender goes:

  • Kefir coconut milk – 400mls
  • 1 Banana
  • ½ cup fruit (strawberries / blueberries, pineapple / mango)
  • 1 tspn Hemp Powder
  • 1 tspn Moringa Powder
  • 2 tspns Ground seed mix (Sesame, Flax, Sunflower, chia, pumpkin)
    Sometimes I add coconut and walnuts into the mix
  • 2 tspns Oats or bran
  • 1 tspn Magnesium powder
  • 1 tspn Ascorbic Acid (Vit C)
  • 1 tspn MSM
  • ½ tspn Quercetin Dihydrate
  • ¼ tspn Zinc

I added Quercetin and Zinc early 2020 after researching the CV fraud. I don’t watch TV so all that propaganda that the MSM has been spewing is wasted on me and mine 🙂

I must say that since Covid I have an increasing disgust for the medical profession and all attached to it. They will get their comeuppance!

What was the excuse the Germans used after WWII – “I was just following orders”. Umm!

Of course, a smoothie is a very personal thing. You can add pretty much whatever you like into it according to your taste.

You don’t have to use Kefir’d milk but I think it’s smart as it adds a whole heap of pro-biotic’s into the mix. Any ‘milk’ can be kefir’d.

You could use fruit juice instead and replace the ½ cup of fruit with leafy green if that’s to your taste.

I’m not big on liquefied vegetables unless they are getting cooked. There is nothing better that a hearty vegetable soup that’s hot! Cold, not so much.

So I juice vegetables instead and strain down to the pure juice. (I do that weekly and vacuum seal the jars, in my nifty vacuum blender, so they will last the week in the fridge).

The other thing I do daily is NAC shots. Morning and night. What’s an NAC shot?

600milligrams of NAC in 50mls of Fruit juice. Shake it up and toss it back.

Phew…tastes terrible but its very good for you!

Guess what?