Bus Update Bedroom and Kitchen

Bus Reno – 5

In 2014 we bought a bus, renovated it and then lived in it for nearly 3 years. I have re-created this Bus Reno series from a previous website I closed.

I finally got around to taking some photos of the Bus now that we are living in it.

The Bedroom End

We wanted the bedroom area to be easily darkened so my intent was to go with maroon and black.  I haven’t achieved the black which in hindsight would be too much me thinks.  With the tinted windows and fairly heavy curtains the whole back area can be secluded.

I was over the moon when I found this quilt set at Target.  It is so Me.  I’m sure there are millions out there who hate it but hey, I probs wouldn’t care for your quilt either.  we’re even!

The only thing I miss now is a wardrobe and we are working on that too.  Some remodeling is require.  I’m a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal so most of my stuff is fine to fold but I find myself wearing the same old tops again and again cos they are the ones on the top in the draw.  Lazy is as Lazy does I suppose.  Every so often I get a mad moment and I turn all the tops over – funny how the favorites always end up at the top again.

Sorry about the Glare! I love this quilt.
Don’t you just love my dragon? Her name is Ramoth from Dragonriders Of Pern by Ann McCaffrey. She has watched over me for 15 years.
The Kitchen End

Quite pleased with the kitchen although it is going to get reworked in the near future.

We purchased the sink unit from a local building recycling warehouse. It fit perfectly. The rest is cobbled together from various bits of furniture we had and two pull out shelves we made that served as our pantry. The kitchen table is half of a four seater. It’s comfortable for two.